The Excede DMS Lease-Rental Solution
Excede provides all the functionality you need to efficiently manage the administrative tasks associated with vehicle leasing and rentals. With Excede, you can quickly manage new reservations, view and update billing, add automatic and recurring billing and miscellaneous charges, and even share information across all locations through a single master record.
Excede DMS Lease-Rental Feature Highlights
Create new reservations and contracts with ease and track vehicle availability to simplify creating new rental reservations
Define default lease, rental and meter rates, including by vehicle type and by customer
Define billing cycles by date, by beginning or end of period, or by a specific number of days
Set up time charge rules to automatically calculate rental time upon vehicle check in
Manage on-site fuel inventory and efficiently supply fuel to your vehicles
Automate fuel billing when lease and rental bills are invoice and support billing for inventory and non-inventory (outside) fuel sales
What Our Customers Are Saying
The Lease-Rental Web App has reduced mileage entry time significantly. The added features on the rental side have given the ability to see what units are available individually by unit type, and provides the ability to create contracts on the Web App from any location- from the front desk to on the road.
Additional DMS Lease-Rental Solutions
Lease Rental Plus offers faster lease and rental meter entry, new and improved Lease-Rental reporting, and easier rental reservations. The web interface also includes access to key DMS information related to Lease-Rental operations, including searchable Bill, Contract, Customer, and Vehicle pages.
With Excede Document Delivery, a dealership’s customers automatically receive real-time email copies of invoices and statements on a monthly basis. This integrated solution allows dealerships the option of going paperless, which ultimately reduces postage and mailing costs.
OEM Integrations
Facilitate the billing of national accounts that lease trucks across multiple dealerships.
Portal Billing allows dealerships to send and receive the billing information for rented truck repair orders and rental billing information for selected OEMs.
Integrations with CyntrX, Geotab, Samsara, and Zonar telematics providers allow for simpler lease and rental bill preparation by collecting meter data automatically.
Accurately record the true condition of your vehicles before and after lease and rentals with our Record360 partner integration.