Denny Kimsey – Parts

We began using Procede’s Barcode Scanning about a few years ago here at Triad Freightliner. Our primary use is receiving orders. Our warehouse staff save a lot of time on every order with the efficiency provided by the scanners. It is one of our best changes to our check-in process.

Casey David – Vehicle

Combining business intelligence with a user-friendly CRM, sales-i is a great tool for any parts sales team. This software eliminates common excuses, provides powerful insight into parts sales data, and helps the entire dealership perform and communicate at a very high level.

Joe Hoffman – Service

Graco has been a wonderful addition to Thompson Dubuque. We have had lots of improvements in inventory on our fluids. We had a lot of issues tracking our fluids, and now our inventory is dead-on and has no issues.

Allan Beardsley – Professional Services

The Procede Professional Services team is essential to maximizing the strength of the Procede product. They have helped our 12-store dealer group on projects big and small- and some of the solutions from the Professional Services group have actually been more robust than our initial project request!